The Building & Codes Department is responsible for the protection of persons and property within the Township through the general administration and enforcement of building and related structural and land use codes. This involves reviewing and issuing construction permits, regulation of rental properties, property maintenance enforcement and the inspection of work for compliance with the Pennsylvania Uniform Construction Code and the Code of Haverford Township.
This provides our residents with the ability to submit permit and license applications on-line from the comfort of their homes.
At this time, this system provides the ability to submit Residential Applications Only. As we continue to expand our offering through this system, we will be adding the ability to submit all permit and license types. So please check back often for new offerings.
To submit an application, you must create an account. This allows you to see the status of your application and provides the ability for the township to communicate with you within a secure environment.
Permit and license applications currently being accepted online include:
Construction permits are required for most types of work and contractors must be licensed with Haverford Township.
Contractors performing work in Haverford Township must be licensed with the Township.
Contractor Applications Links:
Insurance certificates can be emailed to or
A fee of $75.00 per dwelling unit is required with the license application . All fees are due on or before March 1 each year or a penalty of $50.00 will be added, making the total due $125.00
The Housing License is for a 12-month period from March 1 to February 28/29. All occupants of the rental property must be listed on an occupancy registration form and submitted with the license application. A copy of the executed lease agreement must also be submitted.
Before a tenant moves in or at the initial use of a residence as a rental, the property must be inspected.
Each time the occupancy of the rental unit is changed, an inspection of the property is required to determine that the premises meet the health and safety requirements of the Township. A fee of $50.00 per unit is charged for each inspection and re-inspection. Failure to appear for a scheduled inspection is a $50.00 fee.
Information for Rental Housing Licenses
1. No more than three (3) unrelated people may reside in a rental house.
2. Owner occupied units may not have more than one (1) roomer or boarder.
3. Student housing is permitted only when authorized by the Township Zoning Hearing Board as a “special exception.”
Apply for a rental housing license by filling out following application Rental Application Form
The operation of a rental property is considered a business-activity for the purpose of the Township’s Business Privilege Tax. An annual business license should be applied for and an annual business tax return should be filed with the Township’s business tax administrator. All requests for forms and questions regarding the tax should be directed to:
Tri-State Financial Group
PO Box 38
Bridgeport, PA 19405
Audit & Compliance Program
The Township reserves the right to audit and inspect all books and records of a taxpayer to support the information reported on taxpayer filed returns.
For more information on how to download, fill out, save and email fillable forms to the Township, please see the following link:Fillable Form Instructions