All Information on this page is provided by the Township Administration. This page is updated once a month, after every Board of Commissioners regular meeting. Any questions, please reach out to email : GCugini@HAVTWP.ORG
Motion: to adopt Resolution No. 2353 – 2024 that the Board of Commissioners of the Township of Haverford, County of Delaware, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in accordance with the Municipal Records Manual hereby authorizes the disposition of public records. | Motion passed: 01/09/2024
Motion: to adopt Resolution No. 2354-2024 approving the annual Fee Schedule for 2024. | Motion passed: 01/09/2024
Motion: to reappoint David R. Burman to a two-year contract as Township Manager/Secretary commencing January 8, 2024 and ending on January 5, 2026. | Motion passed: 01/09/2024
Motion: to adopt Resolution No. 2356-2024 approving the 4008 Darby Road Revision for New Development Sewer Extension. | Motion passed: 01/09/2024
Motion: to adopt Resolution No. 2357-2024 that the Board of Commissioners of Haverford Township hereby approves the use of $50,000.00 of the Township’s American Rescue Plan Fund allocation to replace two baseball cages at Grange Park. | Motion passed: 01/09/2024
Motion: to adopt Resolution No. 2358-2024 approving its 2024 fee schedule for Professional Consultants. | Motion passed: 01/09/2024
Motion: to adopt Resolution No. 2359-2024 that the Board of Commissioners of Haverford Township hereby approves the use of $24,116.00 of the Township’s American Rescue Plan Fund allocation for the replacement of playground equipment at Hilltop Park. | Motion passed: 01/09/2024
Motion: to adopt Resolution No. 2360-2024 approving the recommendations and findings of the Planning Commission are hereby adopted and the Preliminary / Final / Land Development Plan for Caramanico Homes, LLC, 14 Claremont Blvd., Haverford Township, Delaware County, dated November 30, 2023, is approved subject to compliance with the recommendations described hereinabove. | Motion passed: 02/12/2024
Motion: to adopt Resolution No. 2362-2024 approving the use of funds from the Township’s American Rescue Plan Fund allocation for the purchase of one (1) 2024 Landmaster AMP crew 4 x 4 electric ATV for a total of $22,800.01. | Motion passed: 02/12/2024
Motion: to adopt Resolution No. 2363-2024 approving that the Board of Commissioners of the Township of Haverford of Delaware County hereby acknowledges its support for an application to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Community and Economic Development, COVID-019 ARPA Capital Projects Fund Multi-Purpose Community Facilities Program in the amount of $268,750 to assist with the construction and technology outfitting f the Maker’s Space/Innovation Zone to be located within the newly renovated Haverford Township Free Library and that the Applicant does hereby designate David R. Burman, Township Manager and Aimee M Cuthbertson, Assistant Township Manager as the officials to execute all documents and agreements between the Township of Haverford and the Department of Community and Economic Development to facilitate and assist in obtaining the requested grant. | Motion passed: 02/12/2024
Motion: to adopt Resolution No. 2364-2024 approving that the Board of Commissioners of the Township of Haverford of Delaware County hereby acknowledges its support for an application to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Community and Economic Development, COVID-019 ARPA Capital Projects Fund Multi-Purpose Community Facilities Program in the amount of $500,000 to assist with the space planning, construction and renovation of the locker rooms and related space at the Haverford Township Skatium; and, designating David R. Burman, Township Manager and Aimee M Cuthbertson, Assistant Township Manager as the officials to execute all documents and agreements between the Township of Haverford and the Department of Community and Economic Development to facilitate and assist in obtaining the requested grant.| Motion passed: 02/12/2024
Motion: to adopt Resolution No. 2365-2024 that the Board of Commissioners of the
Township of Haverford desires to make improvements and financial investments in several
Township projects and initiatives in accordance with the allowable spending structure as
described by the U.S. Department of Treasury’s Final Rule, as follows:
One (1) 2024 F600 Chassis 4x4 SD Regular Cab 145” WB DRW XL (F6L) in an amount not to
exceed $63,335.00 under CoStars Contract #025-E22-381Fred Beans Ford of Mechanicsburg
6320 Carlisle Pike Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania 17050
For Chassis listed above:
One (1) Multi-Lift XR5S-3050 Hook Lift 12,000 Capacity
One (1) 10’ Stainless Steel Dump Body
One (1) 20 Gallon Stainless Steel Valve/Tank Combo
One (1) Stainless Steel Salt Spreader with Poly Spinner
in an amount not to exceed $89,500.00 under CoStars Contract #025-E22-432 Stephenson
Equipment, INC. 4210 Chambers Hill Rd. Harrisburg, PA 17111
One (1) 11’ Steel Flat Bed with Side Pockets Mounted in an amount not to exceed $18,500.00 under CoStars Contract #025-E22-432 Stephenson Equipment, INC. 4210 Chambers Hill Rd.Harrisburg, PA 17111
One (1) Western 9’ Pro Plus Snow Plow in an amount not to exceed $8,000.00 under CoStars
Contract# 025-E22-432 Stephenson Equipment, INC. 4210 Chambers Hill Rd. Harrisburg, PA
One (1) 2-Ton Falcon Asphalt Recycler & Hot Box Hook Lift in an amount not to exceed
$40,911.20 under CoStars Contract# 025-E22-432 Stephenson Equipment, INC. 4210
Chambers Hill Rd. Harrisburg, PA 17111
One (1) 2024 Caterpillar 938 Front End Loader in an amount not to exceed $281,165.00
under CoStars Contract #4400011420 Folly Cat INC. 855 Centennial Ave. Piscataway, NJ 08855
One (1) 2024 Broom Bear Sweeper on International Cab and Chassis in an amount not to
exceed $407,000.00 under CoStars Contract #025-E22-471GranTurk Equipment Co., INC. 1
One (1) 2024 Brush Bandit 18 Inch Chipper with Winch in an amount not to exceed
$98,715.00 under CoStars Contract #4400028339 SEI Stephenson Equipment, INC. 4210
Chambers Hill Rd. Harrisburg, PA 17111
Three (3) SaltDogg Pro1500 Electric Poly Hopper Spreaders with Auger in an amount not to
exceed $14,000.00 under CoStars Contract #4400028339 SEI Stephenson Equipment, INC.
4210 Chambers Hill Rd. Harrisburg, PA 17111
|Motion passed: 02/12/2024
Motion: to adopt Resolution No. 2366-2024 amending Chapter 47 entitled Amusement Devices Holding a Public Hearing on March 4, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. in the Commissioners Meeting Room, 1014 Darby Road, Havertown, PA. | Motion passed: 02/12/2024
see Resolution No. 2369-2024. | Motion tabled: 02/12/2024
Motion: to adopt Resolution No. 2368-2024 authorizing the 2023 Budget Transfer. | Motion passed: 03/11/2024
Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2369-2024 approving the Preliminary / Final LandDevelopment Plan for JPM Haverford Road, 2228 & 2224 Haverford Road; Haverford PA, Delaware County, known as D.C. Folio Nos. 22-06-01067-02 and 22-06-01067-01 has been submitted to consolidate the two lots of the Property into a single lot and to construct a second-floor addition above the existing warehouse, along with associated site improvements. The new consolidated lot will have a total area of 20,715 square feet (0.475 acres) and there will be no increase in impervious coverage. The properties are within the R-5 Residential Zoning District and the 6th Ward. The site plan, sheet 1 of 1, was prepared by Karl E Kriegh, Philadelphia, PA, dated October 31, 2022 and last revised February 2, 2024. The architectural plans, cover sheet, GO.1, GO.2, A1.1, A1.2, A1.3, A2.1 and A2.2, was prepared by Remus-Zmijewski Architecture, Collingswood, NJ, dated May 30, 2023; subject to the recommendation of the Planning Commission.| Motion passed: 03/11/2024
Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2370-2024 that the Board of Commissioners desires to make improvements and financial investments in several Township projects and initiatives in accordance with the allowable spending structure as described by the U.S. Department of Treasury’s Final Rules, as follows: to award a Professional Service Contract to CH Planning of Philadelphia, PA in an amount not to exceed $60,000 for a comprehensive parking study of the business districts in Haverford Township.| Motion passed: 03/11/2024
Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2371-2024 resolving that the Board of Commissioners of the Township of Haverford authorizes the Township Manager and Director of Finance to supervise the disposal of personal property as identified above in a manner and at such time as they determine appropriate in accordance with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s First Class Township Code. | Motion passed: 03/11/2024
Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2372-2024 that the Board of Commissioners desires to make improvements and financial investments in several Township projects and initiatives in accordance with the allowable spending structure as described by the U.S. Department of Treasury’s Final Rules, as follows: Hilltop Park replacement steps for Softball Field and Basketball courts in an amount not to exceed $9,620. Replace shingles on Haverford Reserve pavilion and 2 dugouts on the Turf Field in an amountnot to exceed $13,813. Repair perimeter and ballfield fencing at various Township parks in an amount not to exceed $25,000.Replace nine (9) swing sets for the following parks: Bailey Park, Chatham Glen, Gest Tract and Lawrence Road Park; replace slides for the following parks: Chatham Glen and Foster Tract;replace six (6) spring animals with handles compliant with current safety standards. The total for all swings, (2) slides and spring animals is $47,729.Replace and install six (6) picnic tables at various parks in the total amount of $8,660. | Motion passed: 03/11/2024
Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2373-2024 authorizing the issuance of a pipeline easement at 891 West Eagle Road to the United States Army Corps of Engineers for Havertown PCP EPA superfund project and the Chair of the Board of Commissioners, the Township Manager, the Township Engineer, and/or the Township Solicitor are hereby authorized to take all action necessary on behalf of the Township to effectuate the grant of the Easement.| Motion passed: 03/11/2024
Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2374-2024 that the attached Exhibit “A” representing the Allocations of funds for the 49th Year CDBG Action Plan are hereby approved; and that no changes are made to the Citizen Participation Plan and that the proper officers are hereby authorized to take such steps as may be necessary to implement the intent of this Resolution. | Motion passed: 04/08/2024
Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2375-2024 authorizing Amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws of the Friends of the Grange, Inc.| Motion passed: 04/08/2024
Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2376-2024 that the Board of Commissioners of Haverford Township hereby approves the use of funds from the Township’s American Rescue Plan Fund allocation for the above referenced projects and initiatives & Crescent Hill Francis Drive Sanitary Sewer Lining $67,410.00 Replacement of Leachate Trench $43,520.00 | Motion passed: 05/13/2024
Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2377-2024 authorizing application to Delaware County Council for a 2024 allocation of County Liquid Fuel Tax Funds in the amount of $53,568.00 for 2024 street light operating expenditures. | Motion passed: 05/13/2024
Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2378-2024 that the Board of Commissioners of Haverford Township hereby approves the use of funds from the Township’s American Rescue Plan Fund allocation for the following projects:
Park Pavilion Roof Replacements and Repairs at various parks, in an amount not to exceed $49,000.00
Park Pavilion Roof Replacement and Repair at Westgate Hills Park for a total of $9,650.00
Purchase and Install Playground Rubber Surface at Merry Place for a total of $65,244.00
Replace 6 picnic tables at various parks in the amount of $4,517.00
Install 3 in-ground grills at large parks in the amount of $1,642.00
| Motion passed: 05/13/2024
Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2379-2024 authorizing execution of Sinter Services Agreement with Pennsylvania Department of Transportation and it is hereby resolved by authority of the same, that the Township Manager of said Municipality be authorized and directed to sign the agreement on its behalf. | Motion passed: 06/10/2024
Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2380-2024 that the Board of Commissioners of the Township of Haverford, hereby authorizes the disposition of public records issued through 2018 in the Codes Department. | Motion passed: 06/10/2024
Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2381-2024 that the Board of Commissioners of Haverford Township hereby approves the use of funds from the Township’s American Rescue Plan Fund Award for invasive species treatment/removal along Darby Creek for a total funding allocation of $12,599. | Motion passed: 06/10/2024
Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2382-2024 that the Board of Commissioners desires to make improvements and financial investments in Township projects and initiatives in accordance with the allowable spending structure as described by the U.S. Department of Treasury’s Final Rule, as follows: Dill Road Sewer Lining Project - $137,103.00 | Motion passed: 06/10/2024
Motion to adopt Resolution No 2383-2024 that the recommendations and findings of the Planning Commission are hereby adopted and the Preliminary / Final Minor Subdivision/ Reverse Subdivision for Dzine Properties, LLC, 225 & 233 Hastings Avenue, Havertown Township, Delaware County, dated May 13, 2024, is approved subject to compliance with their recommendations. | Motion passed: 06/10/2024
Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2384-2024 that the Board of Commissioners desires to make improvements and financial investments in Township projects and initiatives in accordance with the allowable spending structure as described by the U.S. Department of Treasury’s Final Rule, as follows: $10,000 for bike racks to be installed on public property to encourage and support bike use in Haverford Township. | Motion passed: 06/10/2024
Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2385-2024 that the Board of Commissioners of Haverford Township hereby approves the use of funds from the Township’s American Rescue Plan Fund Award for:
Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2386-2024 that the Board of Commissioners desires to make
improvements and financial investments in Township projects and initiatives in accordance
with the allowable spending structure as described by the U.S. Department of Treasury’s Final
Rule, as follows:
Bailey Park Sanitary Sewer Replacement in an amount not to exceed $50,000 which will
represent the required match and any other eligible project costs not covered by the 2024
Covid-19 ARPA Pennsylvania Small Water/Sewer grant awarded to Haverford Township in the
amount of $250,000.
| Motion passed: 07/08/2024
Motion to adopt Resolution 2387-2024 that the Board of Commissioners desires to make
improvements and financial investments in several Township projects and initiatives in
accordance with the allowable spending structure as described by the U.S. Department of
Treasury’s Final Rule, as follows:
Three Communication Boards for three parks. $3,480.00
Landscape Structures, Inc. large composite for Brookline Park. $104,075.00
Installation for Landscape Structure, Inc. composite for Brookline Park. $39,200.00
| Motion passed: 07/08/2024
Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2388-2024 that the Board of Commissioners desires to
make improvements and financial investments in several Township projects and initiatives
in accordance with the allowable spending structure as described by the U.S. Department of
Treasury’s Final Rule, as follows:
Purchase: forty-eight Scott air packs for Haverford Township Bureau of Fire
Total cost - $455,737.05
Purchase: forty-five new Motorola Watchguard Police Body Camera Recording Systems V700,
Twenty-six new Motorola Watchguard Police in Car Mobile Recording Systems, $200,000.00
| Motion passed: 07/08/2024